Execute script in console app or pack as global tool

To execute a acript in console application add the following code to Program.cs:

    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var engine = new FlubuEngine();
After that you can create a global tool from your console application and share your script with other developers through global tool.

How to create a global tool

If you want to execute script directly in a console application it is also recomended to add .flubu file to the root of your repository because when you execute script through console application working folder of the script will be /bin/{BuildConfiguration} and some target's might fail of that because working folder is not correct.

When FlubuCore starts to run a build script, it searches .flubu file automatically, and it keeps searching it all the way up through parent directories until that file is found or reached the root directory of current drive. The location where a .flubu file is found will be used as the "work directory" during a build process, and a correct "work directory" is crucial for us to use relative path in our build scripts.

FlubuCore command line tool has an option to help you create .flubu file, simply type flubu setup and answer questions.