Referencing external assemblies in build script

Referencing external assemblies in build script

FlubuCore loads all assemblies references and nuget packages automatically from build script csproj. Csproj must be at on of the location specified here If not assembly and nuget references will not be loaded automatically when executing script.


You can also disable referencing assemblies and nuget packages from build script by adding attribute to build script.

public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript

Alternatively when you are running scripts without csproj(for example deploy scripts) external references can be added with directives in three ways:

By assembly relative or full path

On the build script class you have to add attribute:

public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    public void ReferencedAssemlby(ITaskContext context)
FlubuCore can also load all assemblies from specified directory and optionaly from it's subdirectories

[AssemblyFromDirectory(@".\Packages", true)]
public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript

Referencing nuget packages

Flubu supports referencing nuget packages. .net core sdk or msbuild must be installed if u want to reference nuget packages otherwise they will not get restored.

You have to add NugetPackage attribute on the script class:

[NugetPackage("Newtonsoftjson", "11.0.2")]
public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    public void ReferencedNugetPackage(ITaskContext context)

Load assembly by assembly full name

System assemblies can be loaded by fully qualifed assemlby name.

You have to add Reference attribute on the script class:

[Reference("System.Xml.XmlDocument, System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")]
public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    public void ReferencedAssemlby(ITaskContext context)
        XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

One way to get fully qualifed assembly name:

var fullQualifedAssemblyName = typeof(XmlDocument).Assembly.FullName;

Load all assemblies from directory

Even if you are not using your script together with csproj flubu can load all external assemblies for you automatically from directory (assemblies in subdirectories are also loaded ).

By default flubu loads all assemblies from directory FlubuLib. Just create the directory at the flubu runner location and put assemblies in that directory. You can specify directory in flubu runner from where to load assemblyes also:

flubu.exe -ass=somedirectory

dotnet flubu -ass=somedirectory alternatively you can put ass key into flubusettings.json file:

  "ass" : "someDirectory",
  "SomeOtherKey" : "SomeOtherValue"

Adding other .cs files to script

Other .cs files have to be added through attribute they are not automatically loaded from buildscript project file. Exception are build script base classes and partial classes they are loaded automatically.

public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    public void Example(ITaskContext context)

FlubuCore can also load all .cs files to script from specified directory and optionaly from it's subfolders.

[IncludeFromDirectory(@".\Helpers", true)]
public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript